Saturday, May 8, 2010

Japan - Some more pictures left....

This "cat shrine" was just outside of the Golden Temple in NW Kyoto.

These were some shrines outside of the Tenryuji Temple in Arashiyama and we thought very appropriate for our "fertile" friends in Spokane...

Reminds me of the Robinettes, but one short soon!

And at the shrines we often found paper or wooden notes written by visitors ----

And at almost every street corner in Japan are vending machines filled with every type of beverage you can imagine.

After using the vending machines, of course, you occasionally need to use one of these. Which end is which end supposed to face?

Some more beautiful temple in East Kyoto..

You would see traditional Japanese attire at most shrines and events.

This was a view from our hike up into the mountains of eastern Kyoto.

Part way up we wish we would have employed one of these guys, but not after that tempura dinner!

Once a year, in December they ring this little bell.

Some of Cheri's new Japanese Friends, who will hopefully help us on the rest of our SE asia trips.

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